Jun 21Liked by Eric

I’d say this was quite a story if I didn’t see it happening right before my eyes.

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Brilliant and frightening. Thank you for putting this out into the world!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 23Liked by Eric

Good stuff Eric. Amazing the bandwidth you possess (it’s amazing how well you fish with great ease on all sides of the boat) from off the charts humor clear over to drop dead serious, informative and entertaining/educational. Here’s a (sort of) companion piece from Sasha (and Catherine Austin Fitts) that truly helps put all the pieces together.


Musings on the Department of Defense

Guest post by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari.com


JUN 20, 2024

Editor’s note: This post was contributed by Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com. I learned a lot of information I wasn’t aware of from this article, please don’t skip it! I highly recommend to visit Catherine’s website and subscribe to her report. She offers a wealth of resources, education and true human intelligence.

“Our task is to look at the world and see it whole.”

~ E. F. Schumacher

Lastly, as informative as your article is, not one to share with the Judeo’s-Christian group over at C&C. Little too mind blowing (maybe the better word is mind opening’) for that group. Could really mess with the curtains and furniture choices if you linked it over to them all. Going to continue following you and will likely support you. Also lots I’d like to link you over to as there are others scratching away at all of this. Best.

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Thanks Dog! Yeah, I like to poke fun at the lunacy, but I don't want to be a one trick pony. As you say, certain groups don't want to face the truth of these matters, so there's no way I would share this on C&C. Frankly, I don't know why I spend so much time there as it is.

Appreciate the link. I'll check it out.

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Lots out there of peeps like you that push the edge of the envelope. Check out within ‘SS’ Nefahotep, Tereza Corragio, Toby Rogers, Elizabeth Nickson, Librarian, Ivan Paton, Brian Cates, Matt Ehret, Sasha Latypova, ,etc. I’m certain that is only the tip of the, due to climate (lol) change, melting iceberg.

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Elizabeth certainly ruffled a few feathers today.

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"Frankly, I don't know why I spend so much time there as it is."

Frankly, I stopped spending much time there.

Just a daily read and go. No longer bother perusing comments.

Find I don't have a lot in common with him, or most of of his followers.

Most of the vaccine stuff (which was my primary interest there during the C word) is very well covered by other writers.

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When the comments are flooded with Bible verses, I check out. It's nothing personal...to each his/her own.

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True dat.

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Though, it's entertaining when they start fighting with each other.🤣 "No, no no....believe the way that I believe. You're lost. I'll pray for you."

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I'll get my chuckles elsewhere.

Have you read Elizabeth Nickson today?

It's like a no-holds-barred street brawl in there.

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Hi Eric, great article mate.

Do you have a link to a reliable source for the Cabal Control Covenant?

Where is this quoted from please?

It outlines the War on Humanity, and mirrors many of the points made in multiple other documents like Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, even the Communist Manifesto and the Protocols of Zion.

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